Applying to Change Majors

Changing Majors

As the university has limited space and facilities, students are normally required to complete their degrees in four years of full-time study. However, the university respects the fact students sometimes discover a more appropriate major in the course of their study and feel a need to change. In such cases, the following policies apply to students who seek to change to another major:

  • No student shall be permitted more than two changes of major.
  • Changes of Major may not be made by students who have started the fourth year in a major.
  • Students changing from one major to another will normally be required to begin their studies at less than the senior level and must make up all core courses for the new major.

Decisions should be available and communicated to applicants by May 15. Changes of majors will be permitted only beginning in the fall semester each year and only if space permits.

Acceptance for change of major applicants into all program majors will be determined by ranking students using their cumulative GPA.

If you have questions, contact our Admissions team at