Kasra Tayebi



  • 2015

    Flex Station is a height adjustable cashier workstation that works with RFID card reader plus database to hold each cashier's ergonomic information in order to make the workstation height to be fit for them to work with. 

    In addition, within the core of this workstaiton's programming the Flex Workout program can work as a reminder system for cashiers in order to have short excercises during their long hours of work. 

    Complete info at:...

  • 2014

    Part of a design challenge for making a realistic version of a Motor Bike for kids between ages 3 - 6. 

    The program used for this 3D modeling was SoftImage and the final product was 3D printed in Polymer material.

  • 2012

    Some design concepts of realistic contexted objects. These designs are accuratly conecpted within stories behind each one of them. The bike projct for example, uses an Arduino Uno device plus an Accelerometer to be used for the bike signalling system for leaning left or right as well as could be used in intersections. 

    The other design concepts are inspired by fantasy and imaginary concepts and prodcued by clay, 3D print, and Laser Cut ABS models.