Amelia Bedelia eBook


Amelia Bedelia Ebook, Winter 2012

Interactive Ebook (iPad App)

This interactive ebook is an adaptation from the children's book, Amelia Bedelia, written by Peggy Parish and originally illustratedby Fritz Siebel. It was created in partnership with a fellow designer, Hailey Kolenda.  

The story involves a maid, Amelia Bedelia, who repeatedly misunderstands the wording of the tasks that are asked of her, usually interpreting them literally. This causes Amelia Bedelia to perform the wrong actions, often with a comical effect.  When adapting the story to an ebook, we decided to create an interactive gaming function that allows children to play various games to help Amelia Bedelia with her tasks. We then added in a learning feature to teach children about the different meanings of the words. 


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