aggreGate Prototype & Video


aggreGate is a open ended system that collects large sets of data about how a group of people are behaving in an environment and wirelessly brings that data to an artist's fingertips via a tablet application where it can be viewed, filtered and manipulated in real time.  This "curated" data can then be used by the artist to drive a variety of feedback devices like lighting and visual installations, musical instruments or other electrical and mechanical devices.  aggreGate empowers artists to create rich interactive experiences by eliminating much of the complex programming work needed to run them.  It's flexible framework can be used with anything that uses data to drive it and facilitates dynamic, organic feedback between an artist, the audience and their environment.

After the feedback I received at the end of the first semester I decided to shift my focus to the layout and interaction design of the artist interface and to developing a comprehensive communication strategy for the project. Since the aggreGate system can be used during live performances, the ability to easily navigate the massive sets of data and modify them in realtime was the biggest challenge the project presented. I felt a working artist interface prototype in the form of a tablet application would best communicate how an artist used the interface to navigate the audience data.

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