Personal Projections


Personal Projections - Interactive Installation.

The Personal Projections project intends to explore the creation and realization of personal identity, and the disconnect between a person's understanding of their own identity and their actual perceived identity by others. The installation aims to arouse questions from the audience pertaining to their own personal identity, who they are, what makes them unique, and what they know about themselves.

As unsuspecting students and staff enter this stairwell from the top, they are discreetly photographed by three hidden cameras placed above eye level.  As the person travels downward and rounds the bend in the staircase, they approach a large photograph displayed on a screen for all to see. This photograph is a composite of the three stills taken a moment before, from the hidden cameras at the top of the stairs. After a moment's hesitation, the person recognizes the distorted and fragmented portrait as a depiction of themselves. The photo-composite is displayed on a laptop screen, and is a portrait style image showing the upper part of the person's figure.

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