Brown Bag It - Wildlife Feeding Campaign



An information campaign to create awareness of urban wildlife feeding
in our city. Using unconventional print media and distribution tactics
the goal is to disseminate information to the public to create awareness
and alter this undesirable socially accepted behavior.

Problem: The innocent and self satisfying pastime of tossing the neighborhood wildlifea few picnic leftovers has created a behavior passed between succeeding generations. Many well intentioned people do not realize that this simple gesture has lasting consequences beyond the initial gratification.

Take Out:

After defining the two target groups I set out to find solutions suitable for the
very casual spontaneous feeder and the planned nature feeder. The bags
can be, but does not necessarily have to be divided into two categories.
A) Activities that can be completed outside of problem areas (parks,
green spaces, etc) at any time. These I consider to be more passive
solutions that take away the original reason of feeding which is because
they happen to have food with them and animals are around.

Stay In:

B) Activities for the planned nature lover/feeder, parents with their children are more active approaches that directly replace the act of feeding
by suggesting the feeder take on a replacement activity that contributes
in a more positive way. These activities are for individuals who visit
green spaces to be part of nature and see feeding as a crucial part in
connecting with the environment and learning.


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Bravo! This is lovely!

