Majors + Minors


Emily Carr offers three Bachelor degrees: Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Media Arts. Each degree has different majors, outlined below. When you graduate, you will receive a Bachelor’s degree with a specific major. For instance: Bachelor of Design with a major in Industrial Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts with a major in Visual Arts.

At this time, Emily Carr does not permit students to graduate with a double major.

The links below will take you to a description of the major. You will also find program requirement worksheets that outline the course requirements for that degree.

Bachelor of Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Media Arts


In addition to your major, you are also able to graduate from Emily Carr with a minor. We currently have the following minors which are available only to students enrolled in an Emily Carr undergraduate program:

If you have fulfilled the requirements needed for one of these minors, you would graduate with your degree, your major and your minor. An example would be the completion of a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a major in Photography and a minor in Social Practice and Community Engagement.

Students may declare a minor following completion of their second year and with a GPA of 3.0 or higher by submitting a Declaration of a Minor form, available from the Student Services Forms page.