
Photo Exhibit Structure



Outdoor photo exhibit structure for the Plaza Bridge in Ottawa. One of my projects as a student intern at the National Capital Commission in Ottawa. Please see attached construction specifications.

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Words of Wisdom - Design Talks


Content, Planning, Poster Design, Site Design, Video & Photography January, 2012 |
 In the spring of 2012 I worked with GreySky Thinking to put on a speakers event for students and new designers to hear professionals in the industry share their stories and advice around the transition from design school and how they got to where they are now. Presentations were followed by an audience participatory design jam with the firms around how to better connect ECUAD Design students to industry in Vancouver.


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"A Secret History: Typography Development" --- Type Specimen Book


This assignment is to create a type specimen book by showing the different characteristics of three selected typefaces from different time. The main goal is to reflect the typographic qualities and styles in history.

"A Secret History: Typography Development"
selects typefaces: Adobe Jenson, Linotype Didot and Futura. 

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