
COMD 404 - F001: Advanced Typography


COMD-304 or COMD-314 or COMD-319

Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Sep 3-Dec 14
T C3213 MAIN

The Hand Lettering How-To


The Hand Lettering How-to was an exhibition piece displayed at the Type Brigade No. 29 event in December 2015. 

This interactive display was designed to teach the user about hand lettering and the different styles in which it can be drawn. Posters include descriptions of each style and techniques to consider while creating the letterforms. 

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The Most Astounding Fact • Contemporary Wood Type Poster


Paying homage to the golden age of wood type, we had the opportunity of designing contemporary 17 in x 50 in wood type posters, in an Advanced Typography class with Peter Cocking. This poster features the awe-inspiring response given by astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, on The Most Astounding Fact.

The colour palette is inspired by interstellar tonalities, paired with a tilted gradient to allow for an atmospheric feel. As well, a stereo anaglyphic twist on certain letterforms for an added touch of visual contrast in type perception.

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