

Assembly is the collaboration between a haptic wearable device and a network of proximity. Through feeling the ambient presence of other familiar people near by, the user is able to gain a sense of comfort and safety. 

As well the garment gives the user a quick and easy to use interface for calling for help or simply just asking for a friend.

the wearable device uses symbolic language to communicate a need or receive a notification. For example different touch gestures imply different meanings. Doing up a button will send out passive signals of your location. stroking the discrete lining of the hem will send out a ‘friend call’. A combination of two hands swiping the outer arms implies you need serious help. 

This user interaction utilizes embroidered conductive thread as touch sensors, and an integrated GPS module to send out location.

the user receives feedback whenever someone nearby signals. a gentle vs. a strong pulse of vibration will denote the volume of presence of friends nearby. 

This user interaction ultilizes embedded haptic motors to deliver pulse and vibration.

If the user receives a high priority notification, they can view literal information on their mobile. The website component then allows the user to modify their privacy and social settings.

the prototype garment utilized conductive threading as well as sewing snaps to allow for detachable electronic modules to be removable. For the user, this means the garment can then be washed naturally and replaced or interchanged with a different style. The flexible modules that contain the embedded technology could then be serviced, replaced, or upgraded with ease. 

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