picture of Sheila Hall
To Connect...to map

To connect is to be understood as an associative process connecting concepts in an open and flexible way. The idea of, “Cognitive Mapping”, defines art making as an engagement with environments in an ongoing process. To Connect and To Map are intended to evoke a multitude of ideas and associations as a way of creating unlimited spaces. Inquiry re examines contexts, makes connections and continually questions assumptions.

My work is about conditions, public space, explorations, research and testing, making and construction–emergence and faltering...My constructions involve models, historical documents, found objects, public sites and private locations and borrow strategies from design, film, painting, and photography. Relationships between the original and the reproduction, constructions of the real and the illusory circulate through my work. I attempt connections on issues of gender, the struggle between being conscious / unconscious, and weave stories about family and place. The work is often punctuated with coloured panels representing the space created by the blink of the eye or the click of the shutter-the inexpressible but existent moments.

I am a learner, an artist and teacher. There are no solutions in my work only processes to be explored. The following collection of works and ideas is about my process more than a time line or historical survey.