David Khang - Dental Drawings

Dental Drawings
Posted: Sun, 2008-06-01 13:22

Dental Drawings by David Khang (00) in collaboration with Cheto Castellano includes a guest appearance by Coco Rico.

Castellano, a Chilean artist and body hacker, manipulates his corpus through tattoos, incisions, implants, etc., while Khang, whose work often incorporates organs of language, is informed by his clinical training in dentistry. This collaboration is a unique marriage of practices, where live dentistry will be performed on Castellano's teeth by Khang (aka Dr. DK/decay), creating dental decorations in traditional Mayan designs that are reminiscent of Latin America's pre-colonial heritage.

This performance will happen in two stages in the two cities the artists call home – Vancouver (The Western Front) and Santiago de Chile.

The Western Front, Vancouver

Saturday June 7, 2008 at 7pm