
  • 2009

    Group project designed in collaboration with Visa. Used as a POS display in Vancouver and Whistler (270 retail stores) during the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games and Paralympics.  

  • 2009

    Interactive toy project for Core Design Studio IV. Designed in collaboration with Andrew Siu. 

    Interactive Musical Device that produces tones and loops. Sound can be manipulated by physically moving and controlling certain elements of the device. 

    IR sensors  detect the distances of propeller blades triggering a corresponding tone to emit from the device.  

  • 2009

    Group InteractiveToy project for Core Design IV. The Lego Mindstorm kit was used to prototype an interactive children's toy. The Kit also introduced our class to sensor technologies and programming languages. 

    The Paint Looper's actions are triggered by instruments. After a sensor inside the instrument has been activated, a resulting action is triggered (eg. paint is pushed through plastic syringes onto a previously activated spinning canvas). 

  • 2008

    Evocative Object Project for Core Design Studio II.

  • 2008

    Based on an object from the book, Evocative Objects, this class project outlined that an object from the book(in this case a train), was to be translated into a new product, while still maintaining certain aspects of the original object. This projector emits rhythmic sounds while projecting imagery one might find while peering through a passenger car window on a train.

  • 2010

     Dog jacket equipped with LED’s for visibility. A temperature sensor alerts (LED”S blink on and off) owner to sudden changes in the dog’s body temperature. Designed for dogs without undercoats (hair instead of fur).

  • 2010

    Fictitious award design for experimental electronic music

  • 2009

    In Core Design Studio III (instructor: Jim Budd), our class had to make, from the least amount of Bristol Board possible, sandals that would support our weight. 

  • 2009

    Interactive mask with sound and light activated by a handheld device and contact points sewn into a glove. Final Deliverable for Core Design Studio III with Jim Budd. 

  • 2009

    Flash Animation for Ecological Perspectives: Design.