Mozilla Foundation – Learning, Freedom and the Web


I was one of a team of Emily Carr faculty and students who rose to the challenge, investigating different technology options for creating an ebook that would reflect Mozilla's core principles. That meant building an ebook that could work on iPads and Android tablets, desktop computers and smartphones, and that could be distributed for free. A simple PDF was one option, but it didn't take advantage of the navigation and multimedia opportunities a tablet could provide. Working with Vancouver-based development company Steamclock Software, the team recommended building the book in HTML5, Javascript and CSS.

Here's an excerpt from the press release on the Social + Interactive Media Centre website:

Guided by design professors Jonathan Aitken and Celeste Martin, along with SIM Director Alexandra Samuel, the project relied on the design and technical talents of four undergraduates: Briana Garelli, Justin Alm, Amy Wang and Danielle Hall. Working from the print book design by Chris Appleton, the students created a digital text that related to the look and feel of the printed text, developing a navigation system that made the text both easy to browse and easy to search. They created animated illustrations, embedded videos, and did the majority of the hands-on coding to bring the book to life.

You can read more about this project here:

And you can see this project live here:

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