Current / Design Research Journal for Emily Carr University of Art + Design


The university produces an annual research journal called Current with the The university produces an annual research journal called Current with the purpose of sharing articles by both faculty and students that discuss design research at Emily Carr.  This large team project resulted in the third edition of both a print and digital publication.

As a co-art director I worked to guide the publication toward visually dynamic shapes and editorial photography, to improve upon the areas that were lacking in the volume before. I wanted to capture the vibrant design research community at Emily Carr and created dynamic, academic, and engaging set of publications to express this.

My main responsibility was organizing and coordinating my various teams including a photography team, a print design team, a digital design team, and a production team. Other responsibilities included coordinating with my co art director, organizing pagination and interior spreads, scheduling and keeping the project on time, and checking design for consistency and quality. The print version was a limited run and the digital version can be downloaded for free from the iTunes app store here.

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