1,2,3...Go! The Helping Handle


1,2,3… Go! is an interchangeable, dual-handle system designed to increase independence related to personal hygiene and other tool-use processes

+ My co-creator is a young adult living with Autism Spectrum Disorder which has affected his motor skills
+ After observational research, we identified bathing and hygene as an area of focus, requiring high levels of assistance from caregivers and minimal active participation by my co-creator 

+ Design an object specific to my co-creator’s needs
+ Increase active participation in hygiene routine
+ Measure increase in eye contact and user satisfaction

+ Precedent research, assistive devices for autistic young adults
+ Co-Creation activities with family and caregivers
+ Empathy studies for assisted hygiene processes, documented on film
+ User trials

+ 1,2,3...Go! measurably increased instances of eye contact and perceived engagement between co-creator and caregiver compared to a regular toothbrush

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