This course is intended for students with no prior exposure to computer programming. Students gain an understanding of the widely-used, object-oriented, open-source computer programming Processing language, and the flexibility it allows for going beyond commercially available software products. Students will learn computer architecture and basic programming constructs, and the DIY and maker-culture practices that engage with open-source software. Processing is used by visual designers and artists to create works, such as stage designs for dance and music performances, images for music videos, programmable electronics, interactive media installations, sound and visual performance. This course fosters an ability to critique and contextualize work within critical, aesthetic, and historical aspects of code aesthetics production. Course delivery will consist of lectures, studio work, short assignments and assigned projects.


Completion of 21 credits

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
Jan 8-Apr 20
T B1122 MAIN