SCLP 317: Sculpture: Public Art

This studio course introduces students to the subject of art in public places from a number of perspectives. The emphasis of this course is on the role of sculpture in public and social contexts that informs and engages a public. The course will cover local and global trends and critical discourses in contemporary public art practices. Students will explore the myriad ways in which a contemporary sculpture practice can operate in public spheres, outside the parameters of a traditional gallery setting. Assigned and self-directed individual and group studio projects and exercises will engage students in the process of examining and responding to existing public art as well as making proposals for their own public art works. Students will be supported by Sculpture area resources to create works relevant to public art practices. This course includes readings, discussions, and individual and group critiques.

Priority is given to CRCP and VIAR students in Years 3 and 4. Students outside of the registration priority group may register/waitlist for this course as of the registration rule release date.


Completion of 51 credits

Number of Credits: 
Repeatable for Credit: 

There are no upcoming course sections for this course.