SCLP 319: Sculpture: Lens-Based Media

The use of photography and video as media in contemporary art continues to open new critical and conceptual directions. Perhaps the most complex relationship recently developed is that between photography and video and sculpture. This studio course considers the difference between the referential/indexical capacity of photography and video and the experiential/phenomenological tendency of sculpture with a consideration of how the merging of these opposing perceptual approaches results in a new form. There is a special focus on the use of photography and video as the final forms a sculpture or installation can assume at the point of exhibition. Students will study the work of artists who work in this way as a means of developing studio projects. Production, discussion, and critique are an integral part of the course.

Priority is given to CRCP and VIAR students in Years 3 and 4. Students outside of the registration priority group may register/waitlist for this course as of the registration rule release date.


Completion of 51 credits

Number of Credits: 
Repeatable for Credit: 

There are no upcoming course sections for this course.