
  • 2009

    We have built our great cities and invested our lives and energy in things that will not last and that are on a foundation that is crumbling beneath us. It wont be long until all we have created and strived for will come crashing down and we will be left with empty hands and empty souls.

  • 2009

    A time-lapse drawing made in the GIMP with a Wacom tablet. The final image in a series of practices I did with shading from random shapes. Music also written by me and extended for this video. The full drawing took about 6 hours in total.

  • 2007

    This project was kind of a celebration of finishing high school. I started this project just before graduating in 2007 and finished it later that same summer. I've always liked futuristic, sci-fi art styles and the materials and shapes that go with that genre. This project pushed my understanding of shape, light, texture, and composition.

  • 2007

    I tried to capture the cool, quiet security of a crisp yellow sunrise. That chilly and yet warm feeling you have when you wake up and crawl out of your sleeping bag on a camping trip to the bright morning light...

    This project taught me a lot about the depth of story and meaning that can be brought into a still image. I also learned about composition, lighting, and how to work within limitations.