The Blocquaduct Challenge 2009


This challenge takes place on the first day of my Creative Process classes for Foundation students at Emily Carr University. Students have 2 hours to conceive of, design and build a device that will move a ping pong ball across the room using only 3600 hand sanded wooden blocks. Once released, the ball can not touch the floor or hands, nor can students touch the blocks.

To start the challenge, the class divides into four small groups to discuss and test ideas; they then reform into two larger groups to develop and refine strategies. The two groups present tested ideas to each other and collectively vote on a strategy for the entire class to work on for the remainder of the challenge. Time is tight; by now they have just over an hour to build the design. The process emphasizes collaborative problem solving, small and large group process, time and material constraints, brainstorming, idea testing, listening and leadership.

Critical to the challenge is the opportunity to reflect on and discuss the experience. Discussion addresses the questions of; How did we work together? What was my role? Was I satisfied with my contribution? When did I lead, and when did I assist?

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