COMD 319 F001J: Typography and Motion

This studio course focuses on the temporal and sequential aspects of typography, image, sound and interactivity. Projects focus on sequential organization of information in time, and how pacing, rhythm, and transition can influence and construct meaning. This course considers font formats; the anatomy of digital type; factors affecting resolution and therefore type choice for animation and interactive applications; grids and modular composition systems for the screen; and the effects of sequencing and motion on typographic communications.

Priority is given to COMD and INTD students in Years 3 and 4. Students outside of the registration priority group may register/waitlist for this course as of the registration rule release date.


COMD-204 Typographic Communication

Additional comments: 
cc-J w/ INTD 350 F001J
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Sep 3-Dec 14
W C3210 MAIN