CUXD 111 F001: Product Design Strategy

Sep 10
Dec 3

Product strategy helps UX designers understand the larger context in which their products exist, including business goals, market trends, and user behaviour patterns. With a strong emphasis on real-world application, you will explore critical elements of crafting a successful product such as product/market fit, product differentiation, and validation of assumptions, all within the context of UX or product design. Through hands-on activities, case studies, and interactive discussions, this course delves into the process of defining a clear product vision, developing a value proposition, creating detailed customer profiles, and mapping out the current customer journey. By the end of the course, you will have a well-rounded understanding of how to create impactful, user-centric products.

Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Sep 10-Dec 3
T A4020 MAIN