
INDD 303 - S001: Part Design & Digital Output


INDD 213 Computer Aided Design or INTD-218 Modeling for Mixed Realities

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
W C1220 MAIN
Jan 8-Apr 20
W C1260 MAIN

Custom 3D Printed Figurines for Business


The project is design a new representation that is characteristic and functional for Seed Bureau, a cafe locate in Taipei. The outcome is design a product based on their brand. The product is to redefine the business further and use the advantage of what they have already to enhance people’s conversation. 

Business card holder 

Decoration & give-away 

Create a recognizable brand through their story 

Promote the brand through social media 

Material choice would be Polyethylene (PE), it offers all-around good plastic properties, and excellent durability. 


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