awareness campaign

The Thumb Twiddle Movement


Thumb twiddling is frequently used as an example of a useless, time-wasting activity, much like procrastination, but I think it’s more of a way to slow down, relax, and appreciate time.

Use #thumbtwiddle to join the movement and become a Thumb Twiddler!

The Thumb Twiddle Movement explores the idea of positive procrastination through slowness and positive well-being. The goal of the movement is to de-stigmatize procrastination and the negative feelings
associated with it and encourage the use of procrastination as a tool for slowing down, self-reflection, and stress relief.

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Body Talk


Body Talk is a collaboration grad project between myself and a fellow communication design student, Andrea Husky. Both from personal experience and from talking to our peers over the years that Vancouver has a bit of a sociability problem. Through initial secondary research our suspicions turned out to be true and we discovered that Vancouver is perceived as a cold and unfriendly city, both by locals and outsiders. This made us sad so we set out to find a way to approach this situation.

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