relational art

Vegan Congress




Founded in 2013, the Vegan Congress is an activist group creating relational art to develop discourse on veganism and practical ethics with regards to other animals. The objectives of the group are to offer compassionate means to consider animals as subjects of their own lives. The group aims to make more visible vegan practice within the community. The Vegan Congress consists of like-minded faculty, staff and students at Emily Carr University, Simon Fraser University, and University of British Columbia.


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QR_U (an open school) - Questions, Responses & Unofficial Conversations



 QR_U can be described as a relational and networked project that intends to make visible the inside of an open school and to distribute the school's inquiry widely. Participants are presented with a series of questions about their relationship with the arts, learning and technology. 'QR’ in the project title is a play on the abbreviated form of QR code, which actually stands for Quick Response.

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