social media

Social Media Volunteering



Social Media Volunteering is a series of info-graphics based on statistical information about social media usage provided by Critical Vision.

The graphics demonstrate the comparison between the frequency that users utilize social media platforms Facebook and Twitter, compared with the frequency those same users volunteer through a week. 


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In the Loop


In the Loop is a tablet application for youth with autism to learn about their online identities and social boundaries.

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This project aims to celebrate and take a look beyond the beautiful imagery of the social media site Pinterest, and give the Photographers and Artists creating the featured imagery some attention.There has been a lot of discussion surrounding the grey area of posting other peoples intellectual property on Pinterest without giving proper credit. Even though one of the main aspects of Pinterest is the ability to go to the original source of the media, Pinterest users or “Pinners” rarely check the links connected to the images they see in their news feed.

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Corelam Multi-Channel Promotion


This project is a digital promotional campaign for corelam that spans across a number of channels. The project brief was given by Christian Blyt about his company’s product Corelam which is a multi-use corrugated veneer plywood panel product and I designed promotional plan to help the company promote and sell their product. This included a rebranded product, website and social media channels. This consistent strategic and visual strategy helped to unify the brand after completing research based on inquiry areas from the target audience, product space and context.


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Canadians Using Facebook and Twitter



This project is an interactive infographic that displays the use of social media in Canada. It highlights differences and illustrates the value of survey research to help marketers understand social media. The data was provided by Vision Critical.

This is collaborative digital piece designed with Cody Jones and Sam Jiang.

You can find the project at:

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photo: courtesy of Henry Lin. 

Production: Winnie Chung, Jackie Ho, Carol Tu
Music: Jon Bantados
Dancers: Nathan Todd, Carolyn Dones, Coco Huang
Technology systems: Miles Thorogood, Chao Feng

PIT2012. SFU Woodwards Studio D, Vancouver.

 In[a]moment is an interactive and collaborative performance combining dynamic movements, motion tracking and social media. The performance explores the gestalt or “[!]” moments that occur at the intersections where the audience, performer, and space interact.

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An experimental video that attempts to capture perceptual processes within multimedia and multitasking, stemming from the ongoing online artwork Selfpost | Postself.

*visit Selfpost | Postself
*follow Postself on Facebook

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Selfpost | Postself



Selfpost | Postself examines the networked self. The artist uses herself as a research subject in pursuit of a better understanding of what happens to our-selves as we form relations within Facebook (aka the social network of all social networks. Selfpost is the outing of the artist's resistant self to multiple groups within Facebook; Postself is the documentation of this experience in blog format using a variety of media. Intended to be a collaborative space for all networked selves, Postself is an ongoing project of reflection that combines text and image, while also challenging the restrictive nature of open source templates.

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