
Berggasse 19


For this assignment, myself and Nicola Fuller were to create an e-book using a selected text of our choosing that fell under selected topics one of which was Psychology. We chose Sigmund Freud as the basis for the project. Instead of just re-making a book into a digital form we decided to use various texts about Freud and his theories and created an ebook that would follow a patient through a therapy session with Freud. The e-book was created using InDesign and Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for interactivity.


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Imaging Vancouver



Imaging Vancouver is a complimentary project to the performance work Mesoshpere.  Imaging Vancouver is a further investigation to the intersections between body, environment, and technology. Specifically, to explore relationships between individual identity and place through technology mediated representations. 

Participants are invited to interact with the system.  A persons body in space is mapped using the Kinect 3D capture camera.  The depth map data is combined with pixel information from video footage of street level activity in Vancouver.  The resulting artifact, somewhat reminisce of the brain scans reading peoples dreams, is the viewers body seen as individual of components of the video, like a real-time stencil.

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Life Lights




Artists – Morgan Rauscher & Miles Thorogood
Hardware design – Morgan Rauscher
Interaction, software and sound design – Miles Thorogood
Producer – Mark Shieh

Interactive LED and sound installation
2010 River Market, New Westminster

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Know Your Type


Know Your Type is one of my graduation project. It is an interactive website that is based on the Myres Brigg Personality test. It aims to scientifically reveal the users' character traits. Through completion of the test, the users gain a better understanding of themselves and their most compatible partner in a relationship. 

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Current- Interactive Print Publication


Current is an interactive publication in which readers are given the option to read from the front or the back. Readers are invited to write down their thoughts when they reach the middle of the book.

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Life Palette


Life Palette is easy to carry electronic agenda that uses colors to categorize events. Instead of typing, the handwriting feature gives users the freedom to fill up their life in their own way.

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Typeface Cards


The typeface collection invites people to compare different typefaces by simply overlapping one card on another

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Kinetic Floating Pixels


Kinetic floating pixels is an interactive, kinetic light installation made up of an array of moving helium balloons that merges the physical and virtual words in a fun and playful experience.

Visitors are able to choose and control the position of several large balloons and change the colours of individual balloons though an avatar. To operate the avatar a participant stands in the installation space and is tracked by a 3D imaging camera that positions the avatar relative to their body. Visitors are able to trigger waves and other patterns with the balloons, as well as change colours.

This reflexive engagement of the physical and virtual provides playful experience as peoples virtual actions manifest themselves in reality.

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Mixing dance and technology, Mesosphere connects movement with Kinect images in a performance piece with an interactive edge.

The Mesosphere performance is an abstract investigation into the process of loss. A dancer moves through a landscape of projected trees, clouds, and pixelating images that respond to her movements. Melodic vibraphone music strikes a balance between a reflective dreamstate and a crying out of layered tones. The internal narrative of the performer evokes a feeling of loss restored through forgiveness with a freeing of self.

After the performance, audience members are invited to play in the interactive image environment. Mesosphere is performed one night only on September 9, 2011 in the downstairs multimedia room at the Waldorf Hotel.

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PECK: Interactive Birdhouse



PECK was a group project developed with the children of Emily Carr Elementary through a series of workshops and codesign sessions. Through these sessions, we learned that the kids’ favourite creative activities almost always involved building things and animals. We also wanted our object to let them interact with nature and be outdoors.

The project parameters called for us making an interactive object using primarily plywood and repeating shapes.

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