
[ah.mazing] --- Interactive Flash Website Prototype



Website Prototype:

This is an exercise of interactive flash website. In this assignment, I was aiming to explore different unique ways that users might interact with the content of the website.(Contents are merely place holders).

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BC Children's Hospital Website



This project was our 3rd year Core Studio project. The goal was to redesign the BC Children's Hospital Website. 

Working in partnership with David Aitken, we developped this site, that includes the traditional resources for Children's Hosptial as well a new Symptom Checker. 

We reorganized concept and approached the navigation of the site from an airport way-finding model. The idea being only the information needed at any given moment is offered. This requires a fine balance making this content heavy site an intriguing challenge.

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Interactive Mask



Interactive mask with sound and light activated by a handheld device and contact points sewn into a glove. Final Deliverable for Core Design Studio III with Jim Budd. 

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*glisten ))Hive



This was a great opportunity to build experience in a fast paced design environment. Working together with the artist Julie Andreyev, and collaborating with fellow industrial designer Hyuma Frankowski, this interactive installation was featured in the CODE_LIVE Olympic exhibition.

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'Whoo?', a whimsical installation of six plastic decoy owls, prompts viewers to critically question the wisdom of allowing themselves to be passively observed by surveillance cameras. Without knowing exactly who is watching or why, is it safe to allow anonymous cameras to continually gather information about our whereabouts? Does entering a public space equate to granting consent to be spied upon?

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Helmet Piece

It It and the Gimme Box

Electric Dreams with Jordan Benwick



To Illuminate can mean to make something brighter and lighter, or it can mean to make something clearer or more understandable.  Electric Dreams explores both of these meanings of illumination and makes the relationship between light and thought tangible and visible.

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Electric Skin



This wearable, responsive garment turns the intimate breath of the wearer into pulses of light. The inhalation and exhalation of the wearer activates a breath sensor that dims and brightens the printed LED of the garment.

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An interactive toy for kids 5+. With earth magnets for easy storage and cleanup. Now you can play the traditional hangman game in 3D and actually hang Uhang! Have fun

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