

Interview with Alumnus Bart Sciana, Art Director at Corus Entertainment and Toronto Chapter Alumni Association Lead

Bart Sciana
This post is 3 years old and may be out of date.

By Roxanne Toronto

Posted on April 27, 2016 | Updated April 27, 2021, 11:31am

Keywords for Bart's success: Hard work and passion

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Bart Sciana, who joined the Emily Carr University Alumni Association Board of Directors as the Toronto Chapter Lead. Bart is a multidisciplinary art director and designer focusing on strategy driven brand design and storytelling. We asked Bart to share his insights, experience and advice with the ECU community.

1. We know that you are the Art Director at Corus Entertainment in Toronto and your preferred medium is broadcast/motion. Could you tell us a bit more about your career path and how you made your way in the creative industry?

I’d studied Media in England, but after graduating and working for a couple of years in Japan I realized that I wanted to combine these skills with graphic design. I saw that a lot of great work in motion and broadcast design was coming out of North America, which is why I decided to move to Canada. By the time I’d arrived at Emily Carr, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and was lucky enough to meet the faculty and staff who would put me on the right path to get there.

2. How have your studies at Emily Carr University influenced your work, project and career?

In the last year of my studies, I’ve taken some Directed Studies, which led me to industry mentorship connections thanks to the ECU faculty. Also, I participated in a co-op work experience with the guidance from the Career + Professional Development office. These experiences basically opened the door for me for the future work.

3. What would you tell current Emily Carr students to take advantage of while in school?

Try things outside of your discipline even if they aren’t a part of your curriculum. Such experimentation is much more difficult once you’re in the real world. School is this fantastic opportunity to play in different mediums. Also, try to collaborate with people who are outside of your field.

4. You have worked on many exciting projects. What project do you feel most proud of and would like to share with us?

It’s hard to point to a single project, but I definitely like working on ones that combine live shoots, design and animation. That’s usually a case of large network rebrands that I'd worked on (a few of these projects are on my website). I also love working on projects that take me out of my comfort zone. Right now, for example, I’m working on an experiential design project, where we’re designing and animating content to be projected live onto a 200-foot wide multi-dimensional screens.

5. What tools or skills do you believe have had the biggest impact on your success?

Hard work and passion to do amazing work. That’s it.

6. What advice would you give to our new graduates starting their professional career?

Try to work and surround yourself with people who inspire you. Stay hungry, yet behumble. Never stop learning and always stay curious. Don't be entitled. Take risks.