

Compassionate Community Care During a Time of Crisis

This post is 9 months old and may be out of date.

By Emily Carr University

Posted on October 26, 2023

No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe, there are people here to support you.

Over the past few years, our community has stood together in response to significant global events and world crises. Weathering these storms has shown us that what holds our diverse community together is a deep respect for our shared humanity. Together, we share the unwavering belief that every person has the right to equality, dignity, respect, and a life free from discrimination.

Now, as we face global unrest and mounting humanitarian crises with innocent lives lost in Gaza, Israel, and surrounding areas, people in our community are being affected in different and complex ways. Along with trying to process these atrocities, our community is facing the challenge of co-existing during a time of polarization; a time when we might discover that we do not share the same life experiences or perspectives as our classmates or colleagues.

It has never been more important to practice compassionate community care during this time of crisis.

Safety First: Our Role as a Diverse Public University

Emily Carr University has been clear in our condemnation of violence. We have denounced all forms of discrimination, including Antisemitism, and Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab racism. We stand by these indisputable principles.

We are deeply concerned about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We echo statements by The United Nations calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and access to urgent humanitarian aid for the citizens of Palestine. We continue to stand against the horrific actions taken by Hamas targeting Israeli citizens. We condemn all violence against innocent civilians, no matter the context.

As a diverse public university, our obligation above all else is to put the health and safety of our community members first. We do this by ensuring a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space where everyone can work, study, process, and create.

We have a shared responsibility to protect each other’s physical and psychological safety. I urge every member of the ECU community to lead with empathy, call upon our shared humanity, and respect the right to hold opposing views without dehumanizing or invalidating other people’s lived experiences.

Let’s keep caring for each other during this difficult time.

Campus Safety and Freedom of Expression

Everyone has a right to come to campus without experiencing discrimination. We expect all members of our community to use respectful, inclusive language, and not engage in harmful, discriminatory, or hateful speech. Posters or other forms of expression that contravene this expectation will be removed.

If community members have concerns about safety or information about planned demonstrations or actions, please notify ECU’s Program Manager, Violence Reduction + Incident Response: Campus security can be reached by calling: 604-844-3838 or 3838 from a local campus phone.

Resources and Support

We recognize that each person is experiencing these catastrophic global events in different ways. Many people are experiencing a range of difficult, destabilizing emotions. But no one is alone. No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe, there are people here to support you.

If you need support that is not included in this list, ECU’s Student Services team will work directly with you to ensure you can access the services and support you need:

If you need support, please reach out for help:

  • Emily Carr University Counselling Services
  • ECU Staff and Faculty Employee and Family Assistance Program
  • Jewish Family Services (JFS): If you, or someone you care about, has been affected by Antisemitism please call JFS’ Community Care Hotline at 604-558-5719 and listen for the Israel Conflict Support Line option. Timely support (for up to 45 minutes) with an English, Russian, or Hebrew-speaking therapist.

  • Naseeha Mental Health: A confidential culturally competent helpline for Muslims and other diverse populations to receive immediate, and confidential support. 1-866-627-3342.
  • National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM): To report incidents of Anti-Muslim racism, harassment, discrimination or hate, you can submit an Incident Report to the NCCM. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected and information will not be shared with others without your consent.
  • Here2Talk: 1-877-857-3397

  • Youth Crisis Line: 1-888-562-1214

  • BC Crisis Centre: 1-800-784-2433

  • Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566

  • Hope for Wellness for Indigenous peoples: 1-855-242-3310