Request an Exhibition Space

Everything you need to know to request an exhibition space.

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Exhibition spaces provide an opportunity to showcase completed works and engage with the public.

These presentations are generally booked for 10 – 14 days, and can be student-led, curriculum-related or institution-wide (such as the Student Art Show and Sale, Grad or Foundation Shows, etc.).

Students are able to apply for exhibition opportunities (primarily for group exhibitions) through the Student Exhibitions program.

Faculty and staff can request gallery space to highlight special projects and ECU community-specific exhibitions.

Do you think you might need a critique space instead? Or a space for another use?

Find out the differences here.


There are three time slots reserved for student-led exhibitions each year. These exhibitions are organized by the Student Exhibitions Committee, in partnership with Galleries and Exhibitions and the Emily Carr Students’ Union (ECSU).

Calls for submission occur twice per year via the Student Exhibitions Committee. Stay tuned to their Instagram as well as their website for more information on the application process.

For students wishing to propose an exhibition at the Michael O'Brian Exhibition Commons (MOEC) + RBC Media Gallery, please visit the Submission Guidelines page for details or email Student Exhibitions.

Faculty + Staff

Please follow each step below to apply for your faculty/staff exhibition at the MOEC + RBC Media Gallery.

Please note

  • Recurring exhibitions/events (Grad Show, Student Art Show and Sale, Foundation Show, etc.) are confirmed in the Spring/ Summer for the upcoming academic year.
    • Though the same dates are not guaranteed every year, our team does our best to accommodate departmental needs. If you have any questions regarding your annual booking, please contact us.
  • Non-recurring requests are reviewed and confirmed by the Exhibitions Office according to availability and priority and will be reviewed any time after August 15th for the upcoming Academic Year.
  • Priority is given to: student-focused exhibitions, curriculum (e.g. class-related presentations) and teaching and learning (e.g. student-engaged faculty research).
Step 1: Read the Terms of Exhibition
Step 2: Have your curatorial statement ready to upload.
Step 3: Fill in the Exhibition Request Form and submit!

Important Notes

Institutional + Department Bookings
Curriculum + Course-Related Requests
Teaching + Learning, Faculty and Staff Requests