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Thursday Lunch + Learns

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By Sandy Ewart

Posted on January 15, 2024 | Updated February 23, 2024, 11:10am

Filed in Faculty


Thursday Lunch + Learns

BYO Lunch + Learns in the TLC are back!

We have a busy schedule of events for the term, all taking place on Thursdays at lunch hour. Bring your own lunch (we provide snacks and drinks) and learn from your colleagues!

The first two talks feature former Teaching Associates presenting on their projects:

Feb. 1: Beth Howe - Building new pedagogical tools for learning using the Wosk Masterworks Print Collection

Feb. 8: Jean Chisholm and Annie Canto - Exploring conditions for collaboration in our university

Feb. 29: Sue Dorey and Micaela Kwiatkowski *CANCELLED*What's in a Name? Techniques for learning and using student names to improve engagement