Kenneth Newby and Aleksandra Dulic exhibit in ACM Multimedia 2008 Interactive Arts Program

in a thousand drops... refracted glances
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-09 19:03

Sessional Faculty Kenneth Newby and Aleksandra Dulic, with Martin Gotfrit, will exhibit their interactive audiovisual installation work, in a thousand drops... refracted glances, in the Interactive Arts Program of the ACM Multimedia 2008 Conference from October 27 to October 31, 2008 at Science World.

The work creates a dynamic cinematic environment encompassing multiple screens and audio channels that work to present fragments of the bodies of humans in hybrid relations to themselves, thereby creating a sense of the fragility of experience. This work has already exhibited internationally at the Beall Center for Art & Technology, Irvine, California and the Contemporary Art Museum in Genova, Italy.