loop, print, fade + flicker: David Rimmer's Moving Images

Posted: Fri, 2009-05-08 11:10

Former faculty member, David Rimmer, one of Canada's foremost experimental filmmakers, is the subject of loop, print, fade + flicker: David Rimmer's Moving Images (2009), the inaugural title in Pacific Cinémathèque's new Monograph Series on Western Canadian media artists and Anvil Press's new film series 24 per second.

In conjunction with the launch of the book, Rimmer's distinctive and emotionally resonant body of work, at once subtle, structurally meticulous and profoundly moving, will be the subject of a two-part retrospective at Pacific Cinémathèque. Curated by Rimmer himself from his extensive filmography/videography, the retrospective will screen on May 14 (Part 1) and May 21 (Part II).

For more information, please visit Pacific Cinémathèque.