WAVE - an interactive musicial instrusment that can be played by simply waving your hands.


This is a term project that I worked on with my colleagues Jimmy Sze. The concept of WAVE is derived from orchestra conductors who direct musical performances by gestures. Taking this idea , WAVE has 5 proximity sensors that detect the height of your hands and play a different musical note accordingly. As a result, by simply waving your hands, you play music.

To further understand the relationship between the sense of touch, sight and sound, a participatory workshop had carried out. Participates were asked to draw their interpretations of the word sound, light and action. After that, they were asked to convert their drawings into 3D objects.

WAVE is tapping into the sensory of touch, sight and sound, and able to draw a connection between all three. 

5 Sharp GP2Y0A02 analog distance sensors are connected to an Arduino Duemilanove board. The sensrs have a detection range of 20 to 150cm and were programmed and divided into equally 3 range. Therefore, at different range, a signal will be sent to the Arduino and the according LEDs will light up and a representing musical note will be played.



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