Sole | Informed consumers. Wiser choices. Smaller footprints.


“Sole” are dog toys made of old, used shoes. The purpose of the object is to extend the end of life of the shoe, while informing consumers what the shoes are made of, and proposing a conversation about whether or not the materials are safe for the environment.

 Shoes don’t have to be thrown out. The initial goal of this project was to prolong the life cycles of shoes by reducing waste, and making use of old, unwanted footwear. The intent was to explore new ways of repurposing the materials shoes are made of.  

Based on the research that I’ve had done, I decided to look at worn out shoes being a supply and trying to fill a demand with it. Vancouver has a large percentage of pet owners and all of these people consume shoes.

The design solution was based on the following criteria: It must reduce waste, prolong the useful life of a shoe, prolong the life cycle of shoes by making use of old and/or unwanted materials. It needs to encourage consumers to consider what materials are eco friendly. It must be easy to use, simple, encourage a sustainable lifestyle, and it has to be safe and fun for pets, while acting as an informational tool for consumers.


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