FLOCK- the power of natural communities




This project is In collaboration with DSF (David Suzuki Foundation) and BCWF (British Columbia Wildlife federation) and the app will form part of the BCWF wetland mapping education. The purpose of the mobile app is to help preserve wetlands in urban spaces. Flock does this by giving wetland keepers and the community at large, the opportunity to geo-tag through photographs areas inn the city which house this special natural habitat. Without proper mapping of wetlands within our cities, developers wouldn't be aware of the valuable land they are destroying inn order to build; and our Bogs, Fens, Swamps, Marshes, and shallow water areas which represent the diversity of the habitats of wetlands, would be gone.Flock will provide the opportunity, both for the public and for the established members of preservation groups, to start locating wetlands within urban spaces inn order to protect our natural resources. This tool will help educate the public, by making information more readily available and showing all of us how easy it can be to have an active role in maintaining these habitats unharmed. 

This Grad Project will be exhibited in the 2013 Grad show exhibit on May 4th at Emily Carr University. It has also been selected, along with the Natural Capital community projects class,  by the PALS (Partnership for Academic Leadership on Sustainability) for the International Contemporary Furniture Fair(ICFF) in New York. 

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