Sincerely Slow


Many of us are currently living a fast-paced lifestyle where we have become obsessed with the idea that there is not enough time in a day. Consequently this has left people in a rush, stressed, impatient, aggressive and is generally an unhealthy way of living. Through the practices of communication theories, persuasive design and psychology, we have designed an informing and thought provoking visual tool that helps slow down and balance the rhythm at which people live their lives. We have introduced our community to a new kind of belief around lifestyle that asks them enjoy each passing moment.

Using communication design as our tool we have worked to close the gap between an idyllic concept and real change. Our proposed theory is that people will be more likely to adopt a lifestyle if their peers have done so already. Our intent with this project is to showcase slow living through a website, the use of social media and slow happenings that express the lifestyle as a happening movement. We are essentially building an identity for slow in the context of our own organization / society / group / club. By interacting with our designed solution people will be motivated to make small, positive behavioural changes in their life that are inspired by slow living. 

Collaborator: Katherine Pihl

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