PSA: Washing Hands



Project | Create two PSAs concerning the topic of 'Washing your hands'. One PSA should be directed to youth while the other directed toward an adult audience.

Featured | Art-on-Transit II: My work was selected from over 200 entries to be publicly displayed on Translinks fleet from January 2012—January 2014

Approach | Each PSA focuses on two different target audiences: Young Adult (18-28) & Adult (29 & up). The bus advertisement speaks to all public transiters, making them aware of hidden germs and the need to wash their hands. I created a bus ad appealing to not only youth but all ages. This PSA sheds light on the horrifying amount a bus pole is touched by many people who take transit each day. The second PSA uses humour to promote its message and a magazine spread as its medium. An imaginary cleaning crew fights germs & bacteria so you don’t have to.
This project was in collaboration with Aaron McDonald.

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