Tag Project



Partnered with a class from Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School. This school is geared towards children with learning differences. Through three co-creation sessions with the kids, it was decided to create a system in which students could tag objects around their schools and become the creators of a new language. Lots of these kids have problems expressing themselves verbally as well as through text, so it was decided to let them create their own new language with images. We were also given salvaged roof from BC place. BC place is a stadium in downtown Vancouver that recently had its roof redone.  The kit supplied them with nine symbols, as well as a blank card to make their own symbols, so the kids could add and edit their own language. Symbols were kept positive to avoid bullying or any negative connotations. The BC place roof has a distinctive bubbled shape, which we kept in our final form in order to pay tribute to the source of our material. The final form was presented to the kids, and received positive feedback from kids, teachers, and administrators. Our kit is currently being used at the school.

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