Take a Life/ Give a Life


Take A Life/ Give a Life, is my Fall semester grad project which focuses on how we have become desensitized to caring about human rights issues as a result of constant and repetitive media coverage:

As soon as I turn on the news, I see/read/ hear nothing but war, war, war: "A suicide bomber killed this many people", "a bomb exploded there...hundreds of civilians dead." And then, soon enough, I either change the channel or go about my own business as if what I had just watched did not exist outside of my TV. 

Have I become desensitized to all these miseries I see everyday on the news? Am I too disconnected from the reality of war that I can't even comprehend the many lives lost and many children orphaned? 

In short, what is wrong with me? I know I should care more. We should all care more. But why aren't we?

I made this book as a commentary on our passive position regarding human rights issues. By including pop-ups and tabs within this book, I have tried to raise awareness through interactivity of the viewer with the issues that the book presents. 

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