3DAN 400: Senior 3D Animation Prod I

Students will work on complex 3D computer animation or digital media productions - undertakings that will be either individually produced or collaborative and team-based. Students will identify their main areas of creative interest and will articulate a project concept that reflects and advances those aspirations. Projects will be student-initiated or initiated through partnerships with clients or research groups. Productions may include films, installations, interactive environments, or other projects that foreground 3D computer animation at the senior level. Students will explore previous or current work in the relevant fields, in the process of shaping their own project proposal. Students will follow professional standards, maintain an ongoing production plan, present their work-in-progress regularly, and meet mileposts according to a production schedule. The course involves lectures, presentations, and one-on-one consultation with the instructor. Over the duration of the course, students will participate in regular critique sessions with peers where they will give and receive feedback on project progress.

This course is subject to priority rules; see here.


ANIM-306 or 3DAN-310

Number of Credits: 
Repeatable for Credit: 