CRAM 223 F001M: Ceramics:Surface & Decoration

The relation between surface and form is a central concept of ceramics. This class explores that relation between bi-dimensionality and 3D space, at the material, technical, formal and conceptual levels. A wide range of surface treatments and a variety of materials at diverse temperatures are explored. Projects are assigned toward experimentation and self-directed studio work permits a reworking for personal investigations. Studio work, demonstrations, researches and presentations, discussions and critiques are an integral part of this class.

Priority is given to CRCP and VIAR students in Year 2. Students outside of the registration priority group may register/waitlist for this course as of the registration rule release date.


Any 200 level CRAM or INDD-230 Intro to Ceramic Design

Additional comments: 
cc-M w/ CRAM 323 F001M
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Sep 3-Dec 14
S B1160 MAIN
Sep 3-Dec 14
S C1260 MAIN