DESN 301 S001: Exhibit Design

Exhibition design involves the exploration and design conceptualization of space, as well as the exploration and conceptualization of objects that function within that space. In this course students will explore a partial cycle of design activities: observation and analysis, research, planning, design conceptualization, detail development and documentation in two and three dimensions. Students will be encouraged to explore context and the interrelationship of design for site/program specific situations together with some of the different aspects that make up the dynamics of a designer-client relationship. Students will work in a variety of media in both two and three dimensions to communicate their findings, approaches and design solutions.

Priority is given to COMD, INDD and INTD students in Years 3 and 4. Students outside of the registration priority group may register/waitlist for this course as of the registration rule release date.


Completion of 51 Credits

Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
T D3365 MAIN