FMSA 321 S001: Decolonizing the Screen

This course introduces students of all backgrounds and art practices to the cultural framework for world Indigenous filmmaking and includes intensive analysis of the work of Indigenous filmmakers and the evolution of global Indigenous film. Topics may include: decolonizing the screen; filmmaking as a tool for social change; identity, community and representation; process, protocol, appropriation and the ethics of image-making. This course addresses developments in Indigenous cinema in narrative, documentary, and experimental contexts and encourages students to consider decolonial aesthetic perspectives and philosophies. Lectures and screenings will support students of all backgrounds in examining and exploring their own personal voice through hands-on projects, within a contemporary context.

This course is open to all majors.


Completion of 54 credits

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
W C1262 MAIN
Jan 8-Apr 20
W D1375 MAIN