FMSA 327 S001: Set Design

Set design is a cross-disciplinary practice. This course is designed for students who are interested in learning about working on or designing sets for film and digital media production. It will focus on the basic techniques and skills needed in set design and developing the look of a film or digital media production. The course is primarily geared towards to students in FMSA, NMSA, and ANIM but of interest and relevance to Design and Visual Arts students.


Completion of 42 credits

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
M D1375 MAIN
Jan 8-Apr 20
M D1387 MAIN
Jan 8-Apr 20
M D1390 MAIN