FMSA 360 F001: Embedded Practices

Embedded Practices aims to help students increase their knowledge and skill set in the area of professional practice through experiential learning and study. Delivered as an independent study, students will have an opportunity to reflect critically on their practice including how to frame their experiences in professional terms. Intended to offer up a critical perspective in terms of thinking and making, this course content promotes the notion of the reflective practitioner wherein the student digs deep into how their work is contextualized. Assignments guide students in developing the tools and techniques of professional practices in Film + Screen Arts.


Completion of 51 credits including 12 credits of from FMSA-200, FMSA-210, NMSA-200, NMSA-210

Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Sep 3-Dec 14
F B1122 MAIN
Sep 3-Dec 14
F D1375 MAIN