PERF 200 S001: Performance Art Studio

This course facilitates a broad skill and technical level for students interested in focusing on or incorporating performance art into their practice. It introduces issues relevant to performance art today and facilitates the development of a range of performance skills. Students will acquire fundamental skills in the medium and develop an understanding of a range of approaches and genres, as well as methods of dissemination and documentation. Through a series of assigned projects, including some based on duration, collaboration, and personal exploration, students address a variety of contemporary and historical performance concerns. Students develop a concept, thematic/subject area into clear and concise project proposals and public engagement. Classes combine performance exercises, workshops, readings, and discussions with individual and group critiques.


Completion of 21 credits

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
F D1400 MAIN