SCLP 210 S001: Making, Meaning, Materials

This studio course provides students with production skills and relevant contexts pertaining to the field of contemporary sculpture. Students will learn about a range of traditional and non-traditional materials and processes, including digital technologies, used in sculpture practice. Through in-depth engagement with textiles/soft sculpture, digital fabrication, metal or mold-making and casting, students will engage with contemporary approaches to sculpture and develop studio projects in response to a variety of themes and concerns within contemporary and historical sculpture. These will include experimentation with a range of introduced materials and processes such as: assemblage, repetition/multiples, systems and structures, body extensions, the social sphere, or figuration. Seminars including presentations as well as group critiques and discussions will familiarize students with the critical issues, ideas, and approaches in the field of sculpture and will develop students' ability to contextualize their own work in relation to contemporary sculpture practices.


Completion of 21 credits

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
Instructor information: 
Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20
M D1357 MAIN